Current News

Joint Action for Sustainable Development goes live

The 21st Annual Conference of the German Council for Sustainable Development marked the official launch of a new platform project designed to accelerate the transition to sustainability.

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In times of multiple global crises

War, hunger, pandemic – why we need global sustainability goals now more than ever and what needs to change if we are to achieve them despite the many setbacks.

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No sustainable development without feminism

A failure to empower women and girls will see the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) come to nothing. This was the core message from the German delegation at this year’s UN Sustainable Development Summit.

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A Sustainability Summit in Times of War

After three years of COVID-19 and more recently the war in Ukraine, the 2030 Agenda has never before seemed quite so utopian. Now, the international community is meeting for its annual sustainability summit in New York to continue fighting for its roadmap to making the world a better place for all.

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Turning Point for a Consistent Sustainability Policy

Recommendations of the German Council for Sustainable Development to secure the global sustainability perspective in light of the war in Ukraine; Berlin, 17 May 2022

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Sustainability reporting as a financial driver of transformation

Statement by the German Council for Sustainable Development; Berlin, 31.03.2022

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New Podcast on Sustainability Made in Europe

The new podcast series "Sustainability Made in Europe: A Policy Podcast on Finance, Reporting & Governance" debates major dynamics at the EU-level and presents expert views and backgrounds.

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Our Common Agenda – Impetus for an inclusive and networked multilateralism for sustainable development

Statement by Council members in collaboration with Dr Marianne Beisheim (SWP) and Dr Silke Weinlich (DIE); Berlin, 20 January 2022

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Open letter: Paving the way for a sustainable future

Open letter from the German Council for Sustainable Development and 14 other German federal government advisory boards and bodies to the federal chairs, general secretaries and the chairs of the parliamentary groups of the SPD, Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen, FDP and CDU/CSU.

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“We don’t need to own the mobile phone we use for work”

Around the world, electronic waste is piling up. Dr Rüdiger Kühr, co-author of the Global E-waste Monitor and director of the Sustainable Cycles Programme at the United Nations University in Bonn, shares some ideas on how we can stop this from happening.

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Improving sustainability: On the home straight

Green energy, reusable packaging and social engagement – clubs, athletes and their fans can all play a major role in sustainable development. A great example of this is RENN.west’s “Goals Need Actions – Sport in the West” campaign. Among those breaking new ground are prominent football clubs.

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What’s new from the Sustainable Shopping Basket

Would you like to live more sustainably? The Sustainable Shopping Basket from RENN.süd gives you lifestyle tips, connects you with like-minded people and shows you what goes where – with plans to expand services with partner input.

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