Project Sustainability – the competition for a sustainable society

Quality seal
Under the name Project Sustainability (formerly Werkstatt N), until 2017 the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) recognised initiatives and projects that contribute to promoting sustainable development throughout the full breadth of society. In doing so, it established a quality seal via which projects and initiatives for sustainable development in all its diverse forms are honoured and given enhanced visibility. From 2018 until 2023 the four RENN hubs have been continuing this process, supported by the RNE as a strong partner at their side. Currently the project is on hold. The award winners from 2023 can be found here (only in German).
Regional strength
The annual focal topics took up key societal challenges that were of particular importance in the work of the RENN. The aim was to boost awareness for the topics at a regional level, embed them and via networking to encourage further offers.
Further information can be found here (only in German): Projekt Nachhaltigkeit (
Bodo Richter
German Council for Sustainable Development
Head of Projects
+49 (0) 30 338424-279
Office c/o GIZ GmbH
Potsdamer Platz 10
10785 Berlin