Recommendations & statements

It's the politics, stupid: The Responsibility of State and Society for Sustainable Living Environments

Statement by the German Council for Sustainable Development; Berlin, 21.03.2024

Recommendations & statements

Recommendations on Social Cohesion in the World of Work

Statement by the German Council for Sustainable Development; Berlin, 01.02.2024


Assessment of the Principal Adverse Impact Indicators by the DRSC/RNE pilot group “SME Reporting”

Recommendations & statements

Updating the German Sustainable Development Strategy and Advancing Sustainability Governance

Initial recommendations of the German Council for Sustainable Development; Berlin, 13.11.23

Recommendations & statements

Steering Europe towards Sustainability with the Green Deal 2.0

Recommendations of the German Council for Sustainable Development in the run-up to the 2024 European elections; Berlin, 20.09.2023

Recommendations & statements

Financing the Transformation and Sustainable Development

Reform of the international financial architecture - Statement by the German Council for Sustainable Development; Berlin, 21.06.2023


Work programme of the German Council for Sustainable Development 2023-2026

(only in German)

Publications & brochures

Project: Digital data dashboards enabling municipalities to track progress towards VLRs

Snapshot of the Global Forum project “City Movers” on urban sustainable development in Colombia, Kosovo, the Philippines and Tanzania


Key elements for a sustainability reporting standard for SMEs

Joint key issues paper by the Deutsches Rechnungslegungs Standards Committee (DRSC) and the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE)

Recommendations & statements

Committing to Better Biodiversity

Strengthening the Position of Biodiversity in the Sustainable Transition - Joint statement by DNR and RNE; Berlin 08.12.2022