Berlin, 17.10.2018 – Following on from 2017 the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) has now published its second German Almanac of Sustainability. The 2018 Almanac of Sustainability presents in its 12 contributions and 120 pages ideas and actions aimed at achieving a future-oriented, equitable and open society by the year 2030. With it, the RNE endeavours to make societal engagement related to implementing the 2030 Agenda more visible and spread its reach. At a content level, this year’s Almanac focuses on the topics of sustainable finance, education, culture and activity at municipal level.
Marlehn Thieme, Chairwoman of the German Council for Sustainable Development, comments as follows: “The 2018 Almanac of Sustainability presents what our society has learned so far about sustainability and what things it has set in motion. However, it also examines what we can still learn – from countries all over the world.”
The Almanac of Sustainability addresses the wider public and hopes to cultivate discourse throughout our society, both in Germany and internationally. It shows via concrete projects and initiatives at municipal level, in the policy area and in the business sector where exactly the transformation towards a more ecologically and socially compatible society is already in full swing. Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and German Federal Foreign Office will be promoting awareness of the Almanac abroad.
Please note that the Almanac is only available digitally and not in printed form.
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The German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) was first called into being by the German government in April 2001. The Council consists of 15 public figures. The Council’s tasks include generating contributions to the German Sustainable Development Strategy, specifying concrete fields of activity and projects and also providing contributions that make sustainability a public issue of vital importance.
In selecting the topics it deals with and the forms of action it employs, the Council operates independently. Results of its ongoing work include the Sustainability Code; recommendations regarding the German Sustainable Development Strategy, the global Sustainable Development Goals, climate policy, raw materials policy, fiscal sustainability and organic farming; the founding of the Hub for Sustainable Finance; the civil-society initiatives of Project Sustainability; strategy dialogue with city mayors on sustainable urban development; input from youths and young adults regarding municipal sustainability and German sustainability policy; as well as articles on the subject of sustainable business, among other things.
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Press contact:
Katja Tamchina
Media Relations Officer
German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE)
Office c/o GIZ GmbH
Potsdamer Platz 10
10785 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: 030/338424-233