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Humboldt-Box Berlin
BLUE PLANET 2018 – topics and concept
This year’s conference will focus on change processes and sustainable adaption concepts for urban spaces worldwide on their way to become “water smart”. How can water management become part of urban change processes and what opportunities are offered for achieving the UN sustainability goals of Agenda 2030 (in particular SDG 6 and SDG 11)? Proven experts from business, research, politics and non-governmental organisations will present their concepts in the morning and discuss these concepts and other approaches with the audience in the afternoon during a “Worldcafé”.
BLUE PLANET – general information
The BLUE PLANET Berlin Water Dialogues is a series of events initiated as a platform for dialogue in 2011 by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises. The participants are encouraged to actively participate in the exchange of knowledge, ideas, concepts and experience on cutting-edge topics and issues in international water management and to discuss water management challenges in a solution-oriented manner. The participatory approach thus brings together proven experts and a broad spectrum of different stakeholders of the international water industry and promotes their mutual exchange of knowledge as well as goal- and action-oriented cooperation.