Can municipalities learn sustainability?
By Busso Grabow, Deputy Director, and Martin zur Nedden, former managing director of the German Institute of Urban Affairs (difu) - This article was publishe...
By Busso Grabow, Deputy Director, and Martin zur Nedden, former managing director of the German Institute of Urban Affairs (difu) - This article was publishe...
On different perspectives and the role of the German Council for Sustainable Development - This article was published in the “German Almanac of Sustainabilit...
By Gerhard de Haan, Professor of Future Studies and Educational Research at Freie Universität Berlin - This article was published in the “German Almanac of S...
By Ingo Arzt, Journalist - This article was published in the “German Almanac of Sustainability 2018".
Adolfo Ayuso-Audry was a member of the international Peer Review Group 2018 - This article was published in the “German Almanac of Sustainability 2018".
By Alexander Bassen, Professor of Capital Markets & Management at the University of Hamburg and Yvonne Zwick (RNE) - This article was published in the “Germa...
By Andreas M. Rickert, Chairman of the Board of the non-profit analysis and consulting organisation PHINEO gAG - This article was published in the “German Al...
By Helen Clark, Chair of the international Peer Review Group 2018 - This article was published in the “German Almanac of Sustainability 2018".
By Olaf Zimmermann, Director of the German Cultural Council - This article was published in the “German Almanac of Sustainability 2018".
The international peer review group on the German Sustainability Strategy has published its report. (barrier-free document)