Speeches & cause for thought

Günther Bachmann: The business of business is mutual cooperation for sustainable development

This article was published in "GAiA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society", S1/2019

Publications & brochures

Open SDGclub.Berlin meeting 2019 - Sustainability practitioners calling for action

07 – 09 May 2019, RNE Documentation


Open SDGclub.Berlin 2019: Appel à l’action

Les participants ont réitéré l'importance du document de l'Agenda 2030 et ont lancé un appel urgent en faveur d'une intensification des efforts de mise en œu...


Open SDGclub.Berlin 2019: Aufruf zum Handeln

Die Teilnehmer*innen haben die Bedeutung der Agenda 2030 bekräftigt und einen dringenden Aufruf veröffentlicht, sie in konkretes, multilaterales Handeln umzu...


Open SDGclub.Berlin 2019: Calling for Action

Participants have reiterated the importance of the 2030 Agenda document and have launched an urgent call for increased implementation efforts.

Speeches & cause for thought

Sustainable Europe 2030. Perspectives on European Public Dialogues.

Opening Speech by Yvonne Zwick, Deputy Secretary-General of the German Council for Sustainable Development and Head of Sustainability Code Office, at the Ath...

Speeches & cause for thought

7 theses on the Sustainability Code

Contribution to the session on Reporting and Disclosure at the Athens Sustainability Outlook 2019 (5 April 2019) by Yvonne Zwick, Deputy Secretary-General of...

Recommendations & statements

For an ambitious European and global sustainability policy – Germany’s special responsibility

Contribution by the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) to the meeting of the State Secretaries’ Committee for Sustainable Development on 27 May...